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Vol: 45 No: 01
January 2020
It is always nice for you to have New Year resolutions, high expectations about yourself and to tell yourself that the coming year is going to be the greatest in your life. However, following the maxim that change is the only constant in your life, you have to understand that nothing actually changes when the calendar turns from 2019 to 2020. The only thing that you can actually change is your attitude - an attitude that challenges you to free yourself from the negative mindset and problematic past that compels you to focus on your limitations rather than your strengths. If you continue to live in the past allowing yourself to be exploited by others, 2020 is going to be exactly the same as 2019.
It is sad fact that many limit themselves to what they can accomplish because they are not aware that limitations only exist if you impose them upon yourself. It is neither tough people nor rough situations in your life that pull you down and not allow you to achieve what you desire in accordance with your true potential. It is up to you to change the behaviours you are not satisfied with, to reinvent yourself and revolutionise your world by constantly repeating to yourself that you are a person with immense potentials and your only limit is actually YOU! It is up to you to take risks regarding your career and relationships. It is up to you to say, 'I deserve more than what I have been getting from my life'.
This New Year is yet another opportunity for you not to limit your challenges but to challenge your limits. Stretch the limits of the possible by venturing a little more into the impossible because if you fail to push your limits you will suffocate in your own comfort zones. I wish you a prosperous New Year 2020.
Aneesh Antony
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