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Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


Vol: 45 No: 01

January 2020



Throughout our lives, we are taught to value speed and getting things done quickly. We learn that doing is more valuable than merely being and that making the most of life is a matter of going ahead at a hurried pace. Yet as we lurch forward in search of some elusive sense of fulfilment, we find ourselves feeling increasingly harried and disconnected.

More importantly, we fail to notice the simple beauty of living. When we learn to slow down, we rediscover the significance of seemingly inconsequential aspects of life. A job well done becomes a source of profound pleasure, no matter what the nature of our labours. In essence, we give ourselves the gift of time - time to indulge our curiosity to enjoy the moment, to appreciate worldly wonders, to sit and think, to connect with others and to explore our inner landscapes more fully.

Slowness can even be boon in situation that seems to demand haste. When we pace ourselves for even a few moments as we address urgent matters, we can centre ourselves before moving ahead with our plans. Embracing simplicity allows us to gradually purge from our lives those commitment and activities that do not benefits us in some way. The extra time we consequently gain can seem like vast, empty stretches of wasted potential. But we learn to slow down; we soon realize that eliminating unnecessary rapidity from our experiences allows us to fill that time in constructive, fulfilling and agreeable way.

- Life 365

Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


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