Inspirational Quote
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Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


Vol: 45 No: 01

January 2020


  • Day 21: Anxiety never yet successfully bridged any chasm. - Giovanni Ruffini
  • Day 22: Enthusiasm is a supernatural serenity. - Henry
  • Day 23: Fall seven times, stand up eight. - Japanese Proverb
  • Day 24: It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. - Andre Gide
  • Day 25: To see things in the seed, that is genius. - Laozi
  • Day 26: The possibility of the dream gives strength.- Lailah Gifty Akita
  • Day 27: Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.- Maori Saying
  • Day 28: The greatest oak was once a little nut that held its ground.- Anon
  • Day 29: In helping others to succeed we ensure our own success. - William Feather
  • Day 30: Let the speech be better than silence, or be silent. - Dionysius the Elder
  • Day 31: Do not let the future be held hostage by the past. - Neal A. Maxwell

Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


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