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Vol: 45 No: 01
January 2020
With every moment you breathe,
With every second you survive,
You compete with yourself,
For supreme best, you strive!
Don't stop till you reach a point,
Where you're fit to be called a great man,
Don't be satisfied with what you have,
Push your limits, harder than you can!
Keep battling, keep proceeding,
Till flags of glory are unfurled,
Remember, your battle is with yourself,
Your battle is not with the world!
Don't make the world your opponent,
You yourself be the one,
Get better with every mistake
You make during this long run.
When you live a life of giving and helping others, you are sowing into the Kingdom, the very Universe. Those seeds will rise up throughout your life and years after you are gone, touching the lives of your legacy; your bloodline will run strong. Your life is your life but you will truly be rewarded when you give pieces of your life away. Help someone today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. Help someone; when you do, you are truly helping yourself.
- Janice Harris
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