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Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


Vol: 45 No: 01

January 2020



Xanthophylls: yellow pigments in plants and animal fats and egg yolks.
Stem: cylinder forming a long narrow part of something.
Grove: a small growth of trees without underbrush.
Orchard: a small cultivated area where fruit trees are planted.
Arachnid: air-breathing arthropods characterized by simple eyes and four pairs of legs.
Stigma: a symbol of disgrace or infamy.
Fur: dense coat of fine silky hairs on mammals.
Predator: any animal that lives by preying on other animals.
Lichen: a plant occurring in crusty patches on tree trunks or rocks.
Parasite: an animal or plant that lives in or on a host.
Fern: a flowerless, seedless plant with fronds that uncurl upward.
Acorn: fruit of the oak tree.
Hibernate: be in an inactive or dormant state.
Perennial: lasting an indefinitely long time.

Extreme confidence is acceptable as long as the bounds of human decency and common respect aren't crossed. Arrogance is ignorance that is blind to the fact that there are others much better than you at many different things. To be the best kind of confident is to also be compassionate and to have the ability to accept positive criticism with grace.

- Tyler Tureno

Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


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