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Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


Vol: 45 No: 01

January 2020



Today is not just any ordinary day. Today is a day that matters. Today you will have the choice to make a difference in your life and those around you. Today you will have the choice to smile rather than frown, be grateful rather than selfish, lift up rather than put down, accept rather than reject and love rather than hate. Today you will have the choice of seeking hope for the future or remain in the hopelessness of the past. Today you have the choice to laugh or cry. Both will make you feel better. Today you will have the undivided attention of the King of the Universe. At that time you can ask Him anything you want. You can ask for help, plead for a friend or just enjoy His presence. It all depends on you. Whichever you choose, what really matters is today. Make the choice to make it a day worth living. And don't forget, tomorrow is another day.

- Tom Krause


Your biggest purpose in life is to help someone live. What differentiates you and others is love towards Mankind. You not alone, you will find many others who are living the purpose you like to live up to. Don't feel shy or feel small when you walk towards the truth of life. Believe me you will find yourself bigger than any class or race of people around you. Stand alone... Believe no fear.

- Nitin Narang

Inspirationa Quote

SAMPLE ISSUE: Table of Contents


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